I’m currently catching up on horror sequels that I’ve missed over the last few years. After the brilliant Dead Snow 2 last night, it’s the turn of REC 4 tonight!
The original REC blew me away when it first came out. The nerve-shredding intensity was perfectly delivered and it’s a real favourite of mine. I also enjoyed the second movie and, despite the third movie having a completely different cast and setting, I still found plenty to enjoy. So when I saw that the fourth movie was going to follow on from the second and feature the poor reporter Angela once again, I was interested. Set on a ship in the middle of the ocean, I was expecting that same intensity from the first as we’re trapped within a confined space.
Only this movie manages to completely blow it. After a dull and lengthy setup, the film lurches between the odd infected human jumping out to attack the others, some infected monkeys and a load of boring confusion about a parasite which may or may not be using Angela as a host. There’s nothing intense original or exciting at all and I couldn’t wait for it to end. And of course, they have to go and leave it open for another movie to follow if they want to. I just really hope they don’t.

Web developer by day, with a movie and TV watchlist that continues to grow as much as my spare time reduces! My favourite movie is Inception and, despite what everyone says, I do not have a man-crush on Tom Cruise.