Trese is the newest Netflix Original Anime, based upon a Filipino comic by the same name. The show follows Alexandra Trese, who is a paranormal detective, and assists the police with paranormal crimes. The series is set in Manila, and creatures from the lore of the Philippines coexist alongside the humans. Trese is known as the ‘Lakan’, and her father facilitated an accords agreement with the different groups of creatures to keep the peace.
I haven’t read the source material, so I can’t say how close it was to the original work. I really liked Alexandra as a character, she was interesting and strong. One of the coolest things, for me, was that she carried a Kris, which is a really cool looking knife. One of my favourite things, that made me laugh the first time, is that there is a Fire god that she calls by hitting a button on a Nokia phone. There were also the twins, or ‘Kambal’, Crispin and Basilio, who provided a little comic relief.
The series is a short watch, six episodes that are around 20 minutes each. Each episode was a self-contained, separate case, then dove into Trese’s background and family. It was definitely for a mature audience, it was bloody and gory, and the animation was fantastic. I completely loved this series, because of the cool blend of mythology with a detective show. I hope that Netflix opts to make a second season because I want to know how the story continues.
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I’m a Data Analyst, from the land of Matthew McConaughey. I’m an avid movie-goer and love seeing films in theaters. My most recent favorite films are Good Time, Only Lovers Left Alive, TENET, and England is Mine. When I’m not at the movies, I’m either reading or watching obscene amount of true crime and historical documentaries.