
Movie Reviews

Triangle 2


After revisiting ‘Timecrimes‘ recently, I was reminded of another movie that I first watched around the same time as that one, and which was similar in a lot of ways – a movie called Triangle. Like Timecrimes, Triangle involves a mysterious attacker who has their head covered, but Triangle stuck with me afterwards for a

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Probably the best time travel movie that isn’t Back to the Future. It’s been a while since I first watched ‘Timecrimes’ (the English title for this Spanish movie) but repeat viewings only make the experience more enjoyable. The first half plays like a horror drama. A middle aged man spots a girl alone in the

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If you’ve ever wondered how many phone calls a man can make in one single car journey, then Locke is the film for you. In what is a pretty bold piece of film making, Locke is entirely set in the confines of a car as it drives along the motorway at night. Tom Hardy is

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The Guest

The Guest

Came across this while browsing through Netflix. I vaguely remembered hearing good things about it around the time of its initial release, so I thought I’d give it a try. Wow, what a pleasant surprise! Slowly building dread and tension and with a great soundtrack and some good action scenes, this was thoroughly enjoyable. Once

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Had me on the edge of my seat, heart in mouth, more than any other home invasion movie I’ve seen. My nerves are shot to shit right now and I just need someone to give me a big, big hug. Lee BoardmanWeb developer by day, with a movie and TV watchlist that continues to grow

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The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book

Beautiful rendered, but with the majority of the animal cast seemingly phoning their parts in they seem so disinterested, the first half is pretty dull and boring. And Idris Elba just isn’t very convincing at all. I seem to be the only person in the world who just doesn’t rate him… And then Baloo shows

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Triple 9

Triple 9

I saw this movie earlier in the year but it had such an effect on me at the time I thought I’d add my thoughts here now… I’m sitting in my local cinema waiting for a secret screening to start. A lot of people are expecting Deadpool. A member of staff comes out to welcome

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Eye In The Sky

Eye In The Sky

Tension slowly builds as we’re introduced to all the wonderful toys and technology that give us our eyes in the sky for the movie. We’re tracking some bad men and women, who turn out to be suicide bombers. The decision is made to take them out. Shit, there’s a little girl selling bread right outside

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